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Letter "A" » Ariel Sharon Quotes
«undivided capital of Israel.»
Author: Ariel Sharon
«I was considering not to go to the United States, ... After consultation, I reached the conclusion to go and make our position clear and to say that Israel will not have any negotiations before there is a complete quiet and before Arafat fights terror.»
Author: Ariel Sharon
«We see Arafat as the one responsible directly to those actions of murderers and ask him to stop the actions of terror,»
Author: Ariel Sharon
«There cannot be any peace with a dictatorial, corrupt and tyrannical regime. This has to be a different authority,»
Author: Ariel Sharon
«will be able to enter a staged solution involving a long-term interim arrangement with the Palestinians.»
Author: Ariel Sharon
«I understand the feelings, the pain and the cries of those who object, ... However, we are one nation even when fighting and arguing.»
Author: Ariel Sharon
«Israel is the only place in the world where Jews have the right and capability to defend themselves by themselves.»
Author: Ariel Sharon
«Everybody knows today that this (violence) was a strategic decision of Yasser Arafat,»
Author: Ariel Sharon
«It was a difficult day, ... This battle is a battle for survival of the Jewish people, for survival of the state of Israel.»
Author: Ariel Sharon
«working document... not a take it or leave it document.»
Author: Ariel Sharon

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