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Category: /History
body of Germanic
settlers in England had been hired as mercenaries by the British Prince
Vortigern during fifth-century struggles for power among British Celts
that broke out when Roman colonial troops were withdrawn. After a falling-out with
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Category: /History
traditional statement of certain heroic and religious truths, passed on from age to age….” When he said this, he is most definitely talking about the Anglo-Saxon era and their style of writing. The Anglo-Saxons were very into warriors and heroes and
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Category: /History
to Rome to defend it against barbarian attacks, and Britain was left to fend for itself. Having no armies left the British people were left open to attack from the Picts which was by the sea down the east coast, for the Picts are described in
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Category: /History
individuals look at their dog or cat and wonder what the furry little creatures are thinking or question the reasoning behind a particular action. Here is encountered a very large debate in the philosophical and psychological world.
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Category: /History
author of Magpies, Monkeys, and Morals, animal right
supporters believe that it is the rights of animals to be left alone by humans and not used in
experiments or research. Due to the efforts of animal rights activists, the use of animals
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Category: /History
sixteen hundred years, the Jewish people have been persecuted and murdered by
people who worship a Jewish man as their savior: the Christians. Why did Christian anti-Semitism,
a seemingly illogical belief given that Jesus himself was a Jew,
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Category: /History
over war, a new group of war protestors
emerged and they took the shapes of many different forms. Their goal was
clear: to stop the war. Their motives however, in an ongoing effort to reach
everyone, were quite contrary.
In the popular
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Category: /History
Abortion is seriously immoral. I feel that the best way for me to argue against abortion is with Mill’s Utilitarianism. The utilitarian view of society is we should do what ever is possible to achieve ultimate pleasure with the least amount of pain.
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Category: /History
be destroyed. In the story Antigone, by Sophocles, the bond between a brother and a sister is tested. Antigone, daughter of Odepius, puts her own life on the line in order to respectfully bury her dead brother. Creon, the new ruler of Thebes, has proclai
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Category: /History
between obeying human and divine law. The play opens after Oedipus’ two sons Eteocles and Polyneices have killed each other in a civil war for the throne of Thebes. Oedipus’ brother in law Creon then assumes the throne. He dictates that Eteocles shall
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